
Showing posts from April, 2013

Display page load time in PHP

So in order to measure the page generation time add the following code to the beginning of your PHP code - <?php $start_time_page = microtime(TRUE); ?> At the end of your PHP code add the following script - <?php $$end_time_page = microtime(TRUE); $time_taken = $end_time_page - $start_time_page; $time_taken = round($time_taken,3); echo 'Page generated in '.$time_taken.' seconds.'; ?>

How to add favicon into your website

1) Create/Convert your image file with .ico extention. 2) File name should be "favicon". 3) upload "favicon.ico" file into your root derectory of website. Note:- It will take 2-3 hour(depend on server) to reflect on website.

How to remote log out from Gmail, Facebook

If you headed home from office, without logging out of Facebook or Gmail, you can do so from anywhere using the 'remote log out' feature. In Facebook, click on the tiny gear sign on the top right of the page, go to 'account settings' and then to 'security' on the left pane. Under 'security settings', click on 'active sessions'. No one else might be using your account, but you would not have logged out of Facebook, leaving the session active. Anyone can gain access to your account in such circumstances. To remote log out, click on 'end activity'. In Gmail, at the bottom right side of the page, you will see details of your latest email access. If someone else is simultaneously using your account, you will see a notification there. Click on the 'Details' link below it. A new window opens, with a notification on whether the account is simultaneously open elsewhere. Like in the case of FB, you might not have logged out of the account,...