How can I execute PHP code on my existing myfile.html page? When a web page is accessed, the server checks the extension to know how to handle the page. Generally speaking if it sees a .htm or .html file, it sends it right to the browser because it doesn't have anything to process on the server. If it sees a .php extension (or .shtml, or .asp, etc), it knows that it needs to execute the appropriate code before passing it along to the browser. Here is the problem: You find the perfect script, and you want to run it on your site, but you need to included PHP on your page for it to work. You could just rename your pages to yourpage.php instead of yourpage.html, but you already have incoming links or search engine ranking so you don't want to change the file name. What can you do? First let me preface this by saying that if you are creating a new file anyway, you may as well use .php. This is to help people who have existing .html pages they need to execute...