How to create test account in

If you want to test the Moneybookers integration without using your real money then you will need to create 2 test accounts. Unfortunately Moneybookers doesn't have a "sandbox" account like PayPal or Authorize.Net, so this process is a little trickier.

Sign up for a Moneybookers "Business account". Do not use the same email you'll be using for your real account.
Sign up for a Moneybookers "Personal account". Use a different email than the "Business account". Do not use the same email you'll be using for your real account.
Contact Moneybookers and ask them to convert these 2 accounts to test accounts. It doesn't need to be a long email. Just something simple like:
We need you to turn 2 accounts to test accounts:

"Buyer account":
Customer ID: <UR ID>

"Merchant account":
Customer ID: <UR ID>

Create a "secret word"
In your new merchant account you'll need to create a "Secret Word" on the "Merchant tools" page:

Set your Secret Word on the "Merchant tools" page

Now that you've created your test Moneybookers accounts and set your secret word you're ready to add the payment form to your website.


  1. Where i get legal form. i am a programmer. and i need merchant account. help plzzzz

  2. Sign up into Business account it will work as merchant account.. pelease read given PDF for more details


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